Wet weather information

With the current rain predicted for our first games on Saturday 6 April we want everyone to stay safe and have fun, rain or shine and remind you all on the following:

Court Conditions: Our courts are all weather courts, but safety is our priority. If the weather makes conditions unsafe for play, we’ll cancel games accordingly.

Stay Tuned: Keep your eyes peeled on our social media pages for any updates. If you haven’t heard otherwise, assume it’s game on!

Your Choice: If you’re not comfortable playing or driving in the wet weather conditions, you can choose to sit this one out. No judgment from anyone!

Patience: Please respect our CDNA Executive and your club Executive in making these difficult decisions. The safety of our players and officials is our number one priority. We promise to keep you in the loop. Please resist the urge to flood us & your clubs with messages or calls about game status—trust us, we’re on it!

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